Bogard New York

Content Statement of Ethics


We are a relatively new business with a rapidly growing presence on both YouTube and Instagram. Our deep connections in real estate and creative industries enable us to provide valuable insights on these topics.

At our agency, we prioritize maintaining authenticity and transparency in all our content and brand partnerships. We rarely engage in sponsored content. However, if we choose to collaborate with a brand, it is because we genuinely trust their product or service. We are committed to clearly indicating when content is sponsored, and if we don't explicitly state it, then it is not sponsored. Our focus is on providing genuine value to our audience. If we do partner with a brand, we aim to build a relationship over an extended period based on mutual trust and understanding.

Most of the equipment and products we use and review are personally purchased by our agency. On occasion, we may rent, borrow, or receive products at no cost. When this happens, we clearly disclose in the video and description/caption that the product was provided free of charge. We accept such offers for practical reasons and for fulfilling viewer requests or satisfying our curiosity. We exercise thorough selectivity and discuss our Ethics Statement with the brand before accepting anything for free.


Offering free products never guarantees a positive review. Just like with sponsorships, we’re very selective about accepting anything for free and will only do so after discussing this Ethics Statement with the brand.


To ensure clarity and transparency, we want to share these non-negotiable points that align with our values:

  1. Our content is original and reflects our opinions, which cannot be swayed by any outside party for any amount of money.
  2. We do not change our opinion in exchange for free products or services.
  3. While we are open to sharing previews of our videos with sponsors and consider their opinions, we maintain ultimate authority over the final cut and decision-making process.
  4. We have full control over our content calendar. We are happy to collaborate on scheduling whenever possible, but we retain the final decision on the delivery timing of the completed video.
  5. We do not review or discuss products or services that we do not understand. If we are unfamiliar with a brand’s product, we require sufficient time to form our own opinions about it.
  6. We retain full control over what goes in our video descriptions and captions.
  7. All paid promotion will be explicitly stated in the video and/or video description/caption. YouTube’s “includes paid promotion” option will be checked for all paid promotion.
  8. Brands are more than welcome to share our videos, but the destination of the video must be discussed beforehand. All videos posted on other pages must link to our relevant pages.
  9. While we strive to produce every video to the highest possible standard, we cannot guarantee any specific performance metrics.
  10. We do not work with Amazon resellers – only reputable brands.