For Sellers

You Deserve a No-Nonsense Real Estate Expert

There are so many real estate agents in this city and all are promising you the world. But, you know it’s all noise. At Bogard New York, we genuinely want to get the results that matter to you. Whether that’s selling as quickly as possible, maximizing value, or a happy in-between!

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Our Approach

No pressure.

This is a pivotal moment in your life and we think you should evaluate your options before making such a big decision.

Earn your trust.

We know real-estate agents come with a certain reputation. We delight in showing clients that there is a better way!

Personalized service.

This journey isn’t easy and each one is unique. We like to think of ourselves as therapists that happen to be real-estate agents.

From Our Clients

We have helped thousands of beloved clients like you buy and sell across NYC. We've been able to set price records, sell out entire development projects, and regularly work with the city's most influential people and family offices.

We believe your real estate journey
should be exciting, not stressful.